Wednesday, June 16, 2010

News update from the Gulf of Words

This little post appeared on my Eclipse Court site and part of it on my Kyrus Talain book site, but I liked it as a separate piece of work, so here it is again!

There will be a post tonight! Yes, indeed! On this site! The words are still flowing and I am still catching some of them.

Because of a minor accident
fire/explosion/sinking/mistake in the plot of this ongoing drilling project novel, our emergency crews fearless author has been called to attend to the plot-gushing environmental disaster of the century fiddly little cleanup details.Exterminate! Exterminate! Warning, warning Will Robininson! The Seaview is going down! Hull-breech imminent Captain. The Time Tunnel is collapsing! The two astronauts will never make it home to our time! Uncle Martin put that antenna down! We apologize for the leakage of any other plots onto your screen and will Resistance is futile have this little leak fixed whenever she ponies up the fikken words to plug it! in no time at all. Mother stop honking at traffic policeman do you want to get me arrested?

There has been a crippling disaster minor problem discovered, deep in the buried posts of EC which will lead to some major revisions to plug a seven month hole teensy little revisions in the plot. Everything is fine up to post 243 and then we experience a massive fucking entropy-spewing hole where the platform burned down, fell over and sank into the ocean little blip spewing oily words in all directions like dying birds until our ceaselessly working engineers put a cap on it spin writer can come up with a lovely story about how hard we are working to fucking fix it! Correct our little problem. Please note the engaging colours on the surface of the water. Pretty, just like soap bubbles. Not a deadly, life and book sucking horror. Everything from Post 250 onward should be fine.

We should be caught up over this weekend. With the flippin’ car crippled and on two wheels, my scissor jack squashed under the parts car and only a bicycle to get my son to freakin’ camp this weekend… We have a whole week in which to flop around like deranged jellyfish access our brilliant think-tank and come up with a smoothly sliding seamless solution.

Stay tuned for our very own Update from the Gulf of Words!

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